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Alter Egos - I Am Done Watching This

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Dead Beat is Homesick

Dead Beat if you have not already figured it, out pays homage to Richard Ford (See Goofing Off).

Anyway a good friend of Dead Beat's from his days at Trinity College Dublin, Engineering and all that, opened a book store in Dead Beat's home town of Cavan. Guess who walks into that bookstore one day asking for books on local history? - Yup Mr. Ford. Seems his grandmother came from Cavan. We for whatever reason have many famous writers either from Cavan or associated with it (including the great Jonathon Swift) but Dead Beat thinks this takes the biscuit.

Turns out Ford was reading from his latest work at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin the other night. Dead Beat applauds his own decision to move to the land of the beaver, but gosh darn it, Richard Ford in Dublin!!

Roddy Doyle introduced him and apparently made a tasteless joke - well D.B has to admit he introduced Roddy Doyle in Winnipeg and berated him for having the nerve to turn up in the town that a certain Ms. Shields made her own, considering he tied with Carol Shields in the Booker Prize only to have the casting vote in his favour.

Truth is, Dead Beat is homesick.

Richard Ford and The College of Surgeons would have provided the cure. Long live Frank Bascombe.

1 comment:

Mary said...

As opposed to being sick of home!
Greetings from Dublin, Gerry, great blog,
