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Alter Egos - I Am Done Watching This

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Book Reviews- A .38 Slug Makes Quite An Impression

Dead Beat was eating lobster stew with Richard Ford recently and just had to ask him about a story he once heard of Ford returning a book he was to review with a bullet hole through it.

"They sent me a book by a writer who had reviewed The Sportswriter rather negatively. It was my wife who took the book out to the backyard and shot it with a pistol. Then by some coincidence, someone else sent a copy. It was so satisfying to watch her that I went out and shot the other one. The book is now on an editor's shelf at Knopf in New York, big hole blown in one side and blown out the other.'

Smiling, he says he can't remember the name of the book. 'But a .38 slug makes quite an impression.'

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