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Alter Egos - I Am Done Watching This

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Abstractrion in Poetry - The Nostalgia of the Infinite.

"Here's a thing Frank. Some people find your work so real, they consider it abstract."

"They're right, Dead Beat. Abstraction in poetry, which Allen recently commented on in It is, is intriguing. I think it appears mostly in the minute particu1ars where decision is necessary. Abstraction (in poetry, not in painting) involves personal removal by the poet. For instance, the decision involved in the choice between "the nostalgia of the infinite" and "the nostalgia for the infinite" defines an attitude toward degree of abstraction. The nostalgia of the infinite representing the greater degree of abstraction, removal, and negative capability (as in Keats and Mallarmé). Personism, a movement which I recently founded and which nobody yet knows about, interests me a great deal, being so totally opposed to this kind of abstract removal that it is verging on a true abstraction for the first time, really, in the history of poetry."

"Hey, don't go all modest on me Mr. O'H."

"Well you did ask."

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