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Alter Egos - I Am Done Watching This

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Meloncholy Thought Had Laid Me Low - Arthur Hallam

"If you are determined to mention me without my consent, Dead Beat, the least you can do is tell them about Arthur Hallam." So Ricks bellows outside my window.
"Shoo!" I whisper loudly, "You will waken the children."
"I don't care for children, Dead Beat."
"You will waken Hudson."
"I don't care for dogs."
"You will waken Horace. I know you care for Horace."
"Damn you, Dead Beat," he whispers as he skulks off. "I'll be back."
And so Dead Beat gives you, Arthur Hallam
A Meloncholy Thought Had Laid Me Low

A melancholy thought had laid me low;

A thought of self-desertion, and the death

Of feelings wont with my heart's blood to flow,

And feed the inner soul with purest breath.

The idle busy star of daily life,

Base passions, haughty doubts, and selfish fears,

Have withered up my being in a strife

Unkind, and dried the source of human tears.

One evening I went forth, and stood alone

With Nature: moon there was not, nor the light

Of any star in heaven: yet from the sight

Of that dim nightfall better hope hath grown

Upon my spirit, and from those cedars high

Solemnly changeless, as the very sky.

Arthur Hallam

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