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Alter Egos - I Am Done Watching This

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Monday, August 28, 2006

This is the current man. Jim Harrison. Reading his novel True North at the moment. It's all over the place. Shame. I was looking forward to it. Finally writing about his home the UP. Mitchigan. But the truth is he needs a good editor. He, to my mind, imposes 'himself' upon the novel. Disappointing.

Yes you know him, Legends of the Fall and all that. Anyway, I had the great pleasure of hearing him read for the first time in thirteen years in Missoula, Montana. A cult following. An electrifying reading. But damn it, Ture North, is the ultimate title and he blows it by over indulgence.

My friend at Lake of the Woods, Ed, questions why I would finish it when it bothers me so much.

I'll tell you why, Ed, because he is a damn good writer and deserves my attention even when he is slack.

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