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Alter Egos - I Am Done Watching This

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Land Without Poetry

Don't just take my word for it

(The Unbearable Lightness). Here's Michael McLure from "'Scratching The Beat Surface' in reference to Ginsberg's
reading of Howl, on Oct. 7, 1955, at the Six Gallery on Fillmore Street -- that has gone down in history as the moment of conception of the Beat movement.

"In all of our memories no one had been so outspoken in poetry before -- we had gone beyond a point of no return. None of us wanted to go back to the grey, chill, militaristic silence, to the intellective void -- to the land without poetry -- to the spiritual drabness. We wanted to make it new and we wanted to invent it and the process of it as we went into it. We wanted voice and we wanted vision."

Voice and vision. Simple really.

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